Friday 23 December 2011

Who turned out de lights?

     We've been waiting for it to happen and it finally did. Last night at around 6PM the lights went out. We were sitting on the roof watching the last rays of the sunset when everything went dark. So here is Jim making dinner by the light of our trusty candelabra. Since the stove is all gas, we had no problem cooking. I grilled some fish outside. We found a ton of votive candles under the sink and turned them into good use around the living room. Actually it was kind of fun! This mornings news tells us that there was a power failure on St. Thomas that effected both islands. But everything was back on by midnight. On a lighter note (bad pun), here is a picture of the St. John All-Island Party that we attended last Saturday evening. This event was held at the local shopping center called Mongoose Junction. There were stations serving rum punches and oysters. Lots of people and lots of music. The steel band was awesome. We ran into our friends Mares and Rob Crane. Rob is a local architect and Mares is a caterer. We ordered some food and wine from Mares since she gets great prices from her purveyor. We love her! Well, it's time to head to the beach. I need to cook my backside!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to my island boys. Rum, oysters and darkness. What else can Santa bring you?

    Enjoy your holidAZE!!

    Cricket ( secret blog name)
