Wednesday 14 December 2011

What cookin' in de islands?

     Jim has been doing his gourmet magic in this small, but well equipped kitchen. We've had mahi, tilapia, salmon, chicken and steak dinners. After my trip to St. Thomas the cupboard is bursting. My issue is that there is no dishwasher. Which means I am the dishwasher. Which means I have dish-pans hands. Which means we use as few dished as possible! Whatever. At least there is Riedel crystal!
     You'll notice that there are ceiling fans everywhere. Now I understand why they are so ubiquitous down here. They swoosh the mosquitoes around. We are slathering on repellent like crazy. I'm thinking of eating a ton of garlic to ward them off. Does anyone know if that will work? It has rained a little every day. But it's tropical rain that comes and goes very quickly. It's just enough to cool you down. The rain keeps the garden blooming. We have added a few extra plants for more color. Why am I turning red?
     Yesterday we went beach exploring. Here's Jim at Leinster Bay on the north shore. This is supposed to be one of the best places for snorkeling. We didn't have our gear so we'll have to go back another day. Let's see, we have over one hundred to choose from.  Now, about chartering a sailboat...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys!

    Your holiday dinner looks beautiful and I'm sure it was very, very tasty.

    Writing from Marilyn's. We had lunch on our arrival. As usual, Marilyn did her magic. My favorite was the leek tart. After lunch we opened presents. Yes, tears flowed. Everyone loves the book. Mother was surprised and delighted. The ladies just finished watching a movie, Young Adult. Odd one. The boys went to play golf. Now we're embarking on the dinner meal. I have to go to the kitchen and find out what Marilyn has up her sleeve....and whether I need to roll up mine.

    We don't have Skype set up here. Not sure if it will happen today. We're about to give it a try.

    Happy Holidays! Happy Days!
