Sunday 1 April 2012

Split Personality Revealed

Now that we're only 30 days from the end of our season in the sun, we can share with you our home's alter ego. We confess that until now we only shared the happy face of our residence, the one with the pretty patio, the ocean view, the palm trees, orchids and white-on-white shabby chic decor. So, now we're ready to allow a peak behind the curtain to discover the identity that only a select few have been allowed to view. But first you need to know about two very important attributes of homes on this Virgin Island. The first: every home on St. John does not have a street address, even though some ironically have a number. (Mail is not delivered to one's door, only to a rented P.O. box.) However, every home has a name, which is typically etched into a handcrafted ceramic nameplate—icons of this particular island. Secondarily, we must also share what appears to be a tradition on this piece of paradise, one that we suspect has been passed on from one generation to the next long before the U.S. decided to buy this rather spectacular bit of rock from the Dutch. You see, when families build hurricane proof homes here—solid concrete filled with rebar—they may simply build the first floor then stop. The home is passed to the children, who build the next floor. Of course in order for this to occur they must provide the proper infrastructure for the next generation's contribution to the family home: rebar, electrical conduit and plumbing pipes sticking out of the temporary concrete roof, which will one day be the floor of the upper level. Now, this may sound unattractive, but it can really be so charming. We suspect some locals even get a bit teary at such a sight. Well, when we arrived at our temporary home we discovered, after looking through the comfortable spaces in which we would be living, a raw concrete staircase on the side of the house. We climbed it with trepidation. At the top step we discovered our lovely new home had a split personality. As the past four months quickly slipped away we continuously sought the perfect name for this cottage, which sadly had no name. After considering and rejecting so many, one day it came to us. A name so well deserved, so ideally suited, we even crafted the long awaited ceramic nameplate. Welcome to Villa Rebar.
The Great Room and Master Suite
Our deluxe motor yacht
Jim lounging on the deck

The luxury pool and spa

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