Monday 4 March 2013

We be on de move, mon.

Since we knew that our friends the Rogers were activity kind of folks, we planned lots of outdoor stuff to do when they came to visit. One of these was a hike on a famous St. John trail: The Reef Bay Trail. It's part of The Virgin Island National Park. You can hike this trail from the top to the bottom and then hike back up to the top. Locals says it is about a 3 hour hike. Then we found out that we could go with one of the park rangers and that we would hike to the bottom and a boat would take us back around the island to Cruz Bay. Ya, mon. Dat's de way to do it.

We met our ranger at the National Parks Headquarters and were ferried by taxi to the trail head. Then down we went. It is a rocky decent but not as challenging as expected. The ranger gave us lots of information and local color about what we were seeing. Look, a termite nest. Wow, huge.

We hiked up to a place where natives carved symbols into the rocks over 1000 years ago. Very cool. We lunched by the side of a natural spring. Then it was time to hike down towards the seashore.

At the bottom are the ruins of a sugar plantation / rum factory. And restrooms. Anyone need TP? There we were met by our power boat to take us home.
Some decided to swim out to the boat. We took the easy way. The dink.Time to relax and cool our little feets!
Joanne and Dave were ready for more. The boat ride home was great because we saw parts of island we'd never have the chance to see by land.

All in all it was awesome. Next activity: a sailing adventure.

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